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BYOD4L July 15, 2014

Posted by IaninSheffield in CPD.
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BYOD/T is an area I’ve devoted a fair bit of thought to, so when the opportunity to participate in the open, online ‘course’ that is BYOD4L offered itself, I wasn’t so sure. But then I recognised that our BYOT developments in school have plateaued to some extent and perhaps need additional impetus to reinvigorate things.

BYOD4Learning is a truly open course, or an ‘open magical box’ for those who don’t like the term ‘course’ very much, for students and teachers (nothing is locked away or private and you won’t even need to register) who would like to develop their understanding, knowledge and skills linked to using smart devices for learning and teaching and use these more effectively, inclusively and creatively.

I’m always interested in exploring new ways of learning, so BYOD4L offered that chance and in so doing, to rethink some aspects of our own developments. So my intention is to participate in the daily 5Cs activities, evening #BYOD4Lchats on Twitter where possible and as always, enjoy making a few new connections. Rather than post here as I normally would, because I want my participations in the 5Cs activities to provide a resource for colleagues in school, I’ll be posting (openly) on our learning platform, a place colleagues visit more regularly than my blog. (Shed no tears for me here. I can take it. I’m a realist!) Whilst reflecting on the 5Cs and their relations to BYOD, I’ll be attempting to provide practical ways colleagues might make more of BYOD.

Last night’s BYOD4Lchat got things off to a rollicking start and my first post on Connecting is done … and almost on time too!


1. Chrissi Nerantzi - July 15, 2014

Hi Ian,

Thank you for sharing so openly and very pleased you joined us. We hope this journey will be of value to you and your colleagues. We are all learners and look forward to more sharing of experiences and ideas.

Will also have a look at the other post soon.

Speak soon,
Chrissi from BYOD4L 😉

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