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How do U do CPD? January 31, 2010

Posted by IaninSheffield in CPD, TELIC.
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Back to the front line then following some time in the rearguard working on a Master’s module case study.  Been looking at ICT CPD in school and in particular a pilot project we’ve been running to introduce EPICT.  This is a professional development programme grounded firmly in the pedagogy of using ICT and might therefore begin to address some of the concerns that ICT ‘training’ is often simply skills-based and doesn’t result in noticeable change.

So what did I find out?  Well EPICT seems to tick the right boxes – here’s a synthesis of the significant the factors which are found in effective CPD: Effective CPD

EPICT scores on most of these categories and the feedback from the participants in the pilot largely echoed that.  There were a number of people who, for various reasons mostly related to time constraints rather than any deficiency in the programme, weren’t able to complete their studies.  Even they however were positively inclined towards the format.

In recently published reports commissioned by Becta, Daly et al (2009) identified several key features common in effective ICT CPD:

  • A clear vision for ICT CPD, supported by strong leadership
  • Opportunities for informal learning
  • A sense of community in which collaboration is accepted practice
  • Is set in a classroom context, involving authentic activities.
  • Should address individual needs
  • Build in opportunities for reflection

With the possible exception of the first point, EPICT encourages all of these elements, which is perhaps why it was positively received.  Participants noted the flexibility of study provision, the helpful resources, support and guidance, that it was targetted at their needs and embedded in their practice.   It was curious to note however that although communities of practice were encouraged, none of the pilot group who successfully completed the programme chose to work collaboratively, citing additional complexity, lack of freedom to work at their own pace and time needed to arrange meetings as discouraging factors.  Wonder whether, given the small sample size, this was simply an anomalous result, or whether this something we need to tackle as the programme moves forward involving more staff?

If you want to check out the full study, then it’s here and do please comment or add observations on the study itself or the outcomes.

Daly, C., Pachler, N. & Pelletier, C., 2009a. Continuing Professional Development in ICT for teachers, WLE, Institute for Education, University of London. Available at: http://partners.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=rh&&catcode=_re_rp_02&rid=17369 [Accessed January 30, 2010].

Daly, C., Pachler, N. & Pelletier, C., 2009b. Continuing Professional Development in ICT for Teachers: A literature review, WLE, Institute for Education, University of London. Available at: http://partners.becta.org.uk/index.php?section=rh&catcode=_re_rp_02&rid=17359 [Accessed January 30, 2010].


1. DomN - January 31, 2010

Very interesting read Ian & useful graphic. For me ‘situated in the school context’ and ‘colleague-led’ are the sine qua non factors.

ianinsheffield - January 31, 2010

Thanks Dom, these were key elements for us too Dom. Moving away from ‘Sheep dip’ PD where something’s ‘done to you,’ then you move on to the next thing was important for us. We’ll see how things go when more staff come on board.

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